Sunday, March 12, 2017

When you blame every tragedy on the New World Order...

Whether I am on my phone or my laptop, I will screenshot any conspiracy theory-related posts as they come up. (I'm not sure why this is, but they often appear in my Facebook newsfeed in the middle of the night.) However, I'm too lazy to anonymize (that's a word?) and post them right away, so they just pile up on both devices. Needless to say, this particular photo is old, so I am unsure which tragedy RT is referring to. (I do think I remember that this happened in the United States.)

That second comment. Geez. Don't you just love it when people use tragic events to call for immediate political action? Both Democrats and Republicans - usually with the Democrats being more obvious - use these incidents as a platform often on the very days that they happen, but conspiracy theorists take it to another level.

Let us look at what this person is saying...Fake race war. Just what? I am trying to figure out what that means, like if there is a real race war but that the New World Order (NWO) is adding fuel to the fire, or if the supposed race war is entirely fabricated, like the claims that the Sandy Hook shooting is a hoax and the 9/11 plane crashes were holograms. I'm not one to throw around the term "race war" - I'd probably find a more suitable terms, depending on the context, like ethnic conflict, genocide, ethnocide, racial tension, etc. I have never really understood what extreme conservatives and conspiracy theorists mean by that.

And let's remember that this is happening "faster than shit out of a goose."



I am seriously wondering if that's a phrase people actually use. Maybe it's one of the ones I have not heard of before. I know geese will poop on people when they are flying and will soil golf courses, but I have no idea the speed at which it propels out of a goose's butthole. If I was the commenter, I would have said guinea pig, since I am biased towards those screaming potatoes.

Yes, I think we do know that the cops work for the government, but the Nazi government? If the government was literally a Nazi government, wouldn't a race war be legitimate? And what's with those quotation marks around "government"? Who did this person learn to use quotation marks from? Joey Tribbiani?

Is the "government" synonymous with the NWO? Or are they merely saying that what the government is today is not technically what a government is? Either way, it does not really make sense. And as always, I'm probably overthinking it.

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When you blame every tragedy on the New World Order...

Whether I am on my phone or my laptop, I will screenshot any conspiracy theory-related posts as they come up. (I'm not sure why this is,...